Colgate Oral Health Network
Luciana Corrêa

Luciana Corrêa PhD, Associate Professor

Dra Correa performed her doctorate in the oral pathology, developing a web-based online platform for oral diagnosis. She is Associate Professor in Pathology Department of School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Her research line is related to the factors affecting the tissue repair in the oral cavity, focusing on protocols for the treatment of the oral lesions. She published several basic and clinical studies related to tissue healing process. She is supervisor of students enrolled at Oral Pathology Postgraduate course in USP, and advisor in the postgraduate course in Hospital Dentistry of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil. She is a co-founder of Oralpost website (

Webinars featuring Luciana Corrêa

On-demand webinar

COVID-19 and oral cavity
Luciana Corrêa

Luciana Corrêa PhD, Associate Professor

Letícia Mello Bezinelli

Letícia Mello Bezinelli PhD, dentist of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Fernanda de Paula Eduardo

Fernanda de Paula Eduardo PhD, dentist of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

COVID-19 and oral cavity