Colgate Oral Health Network
M. Blake  Berryhill

Dr. M. Blake Berryhill PhD, LMFT

Blake Berryhill, PhD is an Associate Professor and the Marriage and Family Therapy Program Director at the University of Alabama. His prominent research concentrates on advancing mental health service delivery within underserved communities. Dr. Berryhill secured funding from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research for integrating mental health screening and referral procedures into dental care protocols. He also received funding for implementing essential mental health services in rural schools and primary care settings, addressing critical gaps in underserved regions. Beyond his research, Dr. Berryhill contributes as a Board Member of the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Education.


Webinars featuring Dr. M. Blake Berryhill

On-demand webinar

Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow
Partha Mukherji

Dr. Partha Mukherji DDS

M. Blake  Berryhill

Dr. M. Blake Berryhill PhD, LMFT

Nathan Culmer

Dr. Nathan Culmer PhD

Todd B.  Smith

Dr. Todd B. Smith PhD, MSHA, MBA, RN, NEA-BC

Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow