Colgate Oral Health Network

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"Asthma and Oral Health – What are the issues?" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


On-demand webinar

Orthodontic Oral Hygiene
John K. Weaver

John K. Weaver DMD

Jackie Dorst

Jackie Dorst BS RDH

Orthodontic Oral Hygiene
Partner: Santa Fe Group

Live Webinar

2024-11-07 01:00:00

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Publicly Supported Dental Benefits Programs within the U.S.
Elisa Chavez

Dr. Elisa Chavez D.D.S.

Nader Nadershahi

Dr. Nader Nadershahi D.D.S., M.B.A, Ed.D.

Nicholas G.  Mosca

Dr. Nicholas G. Mosca DDS, DrPH

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Publicly Supported Dental Benefits Programs within the U.S.