Colgate Oral Health Network

Managing Caries by Risk Level

Caries risk assessment and management strategies will be discussed based on the latest evidence.

Participants will learn:

  • to predict future caries development on individual patients
  • to manage caries activity based on risk level
  • the current evidence on caries management strategies


Marcelle Nascimento

Marcelle Nascimento DDS, MS, PhD

More courses with Marcelle Nascimento

Associate Professor and Program Director of the Dental Clinical Research Unit at the University of Florida College of Dentistry.

Financial disclosure: Marcelle Nascimento has received an honorarium from Colgate-Palmolive Company.

"Caries Risk Assessment and Patient Management Strategies" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.