Colgate Oral Health Network

15 thoughts on “You Got This! Diagnosis and Management of Common Oral Lesions

  1. Dr. Dr. Fares Ali Saeed Saeed says:

    When do you recommend using fluoride toothpaste on an infant and how much should be used?

  2. Mrs. Allison Smallwood says:

    Hello. I am an Australian Dental Therapist , and recently saw a small brown freckle on the inside of a young patients mouth . Pt is 6, female of Eurasian heritage, and both Mother and patient have noticed freckle, but both feel it was not always there. What is the next step for this? I have taken an photo image ,attached to pt file, and plane to review at next recall ,12 mths. Regards, Allison

  3. Mary Beth borra says:

    4year old boy upper molars on and off swelling due to cavities,is it necessary to remove his teeth?

  4. Dr. Catherine Evans says:

    How do you classify white lesions that are non cancerous but due to oral habits and diet ?


    Which are the most common lesions must check in comp exam and how it looks like?

  6. Mr. Jonty Mixo says:

    What are the causes of oral karposi sarcoma diseases in the mouth?

  7. Miss Nishad Janmohamed says:

    could you discuss oral pathology and menopause?

  8. Ms. margaret abbene says:

    Update on what visual changes on Young Adults that. Vape. Any new studies done on Vaping and oral changes in the. mouth

  9. Robin Harrison says:

    Which specialist should we refer radiographic abnormalities to?

  10. Mrs. Amy McGlaughlin says:

    With increased cases of HPV-related cancers on the rise in younger populations, please touch on what dental professionals should be looking for that may help catch any associated lesions. Thank you!

  11. Dr. LILLI ANN FERNANDO says:

    Hi. i would like to ask about treatment for lichen planus. Thank you.

  12. Ms. Deborah Tapp says:

    What is the most common oral lesion?

  13. Ms. Heather May says:

    Maybe this is already planned, but can we spend some time discussing oral cancer and how to spot cancerous lesions ? Thanks !

  14. Ms. Odalis Rodriguez Lores says:

    What common oral lesions cause podtponing an appointment?

  15. Mrs. Frances Clor-Betley says:

    Are Vizilite and Goccles effective screening mechanisms to use in detection of early lesions.

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"You Got This! Diagnosis and Management of Common Oral Lesions" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


On-demand webinar

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Caroline Zeller

Caroline Zeller DDS, MPH (Assistant Professor OHSU Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Hospital Dental Services)

Management of Wisdom Teeth for the General Dentist