Dental Articles
Measles: Concerns and Implications for Dental Professionals
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
A Role for Oral Care in the Prevention of Hospital-Associated Pneumonia
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Lasers in the Field of Dentistry
Gargi Mukherji DDS, Associate Professor
Laser Plumes – More Than a Puff of Smoke
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Update on Antimicrobial Resistance and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Monkeypox: What we need to know
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Critical Lab Tests for Patients
Gargi Mukherji DDS, Associate Professor
Update on Vaccinations for Dental Healthcare Personnel
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA
Pre-procedural Rinsing to Reduce Aerosolized Microbial Loads
Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA