Colgate Oral Health Network


Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: An Overview
Fiona Collins

Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA

Artificial Intelligence in Dentistry: An Overview
Smoking and Oral Disease: The Effect of Smoking Cessation on Periodontal Treatment

Case study

Lasers in the Field of Dentistry
Gargi Mukherji

Gargi Mukherji DDS, Associate Professor

Lasers in the Field of Dentistry

Case study

Preparation is Key to Success
Gargi Mukherji

Gargi Mukherji DDS, Associate Professor

Preparation is Key to Success
Artificial Intelligence Applied to Dental Medicine


Occupational Hearing Loss in Dentistry
Fiona Collins

Fiona Collins BDS, MBA, MA, FPFA

Occupational Hearing Loss in Dentistry


Improving Clinical Outcomes through Enhanced Communication
Dianne Glasscoe Watterson

Dianne Glasscoe Watterson RDH, BS, MBA

Improving Clinical Outcomes through Enhanced Communication