Letícia Mello Bezinelli PhD, dentist of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Dra Bezinelli performed her doctorate in the area of Hospital Management applied to Dentistry. For more 15 years, she is working with Dra Eduardo in the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, developing clinical protocols for dental management of chronic illness patients. She published several articles related to the impact of dental attendance in hospitals, analyzing costs and benefits of the dental care in the hospital context. She is also coordinator of postgraduate course in Hospital Dentistry of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil. She is a co-founder of Oralpost website (www.oralpost.com.br).
Webinars featuring Letícia Mello Bezinelli
Luciana Corrêa PhD, Associate Professor
Letícia Mello Bezinelli PhD, dentist of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
Fernanda de Paula Eduardo PhD, dentist of Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein