Colgate Oral Health Network

Through the Eyes of a Fraud Investigator

A review of Dental Fraud Waste and abuse identification and investigation of commons schemes from a fraud investigator’s perspective

Participants will learn:

  • What is Dental Fraud Waste and Abuse
  • What make up an investigation
  • The impacts of Dental Fraud Waste and Abuse to our profession, patients and the health care system


Stewart Balikov

Stewart Balikov DDS, AHFI

More courses with Stewart Balikov

Stewart R Balikov DDS is a 1983 graduate from the University of Southern California, School of Dentistry.  He is currently serving as the Director of Dental Special Investigations, Oral Health Analytics for Anthem since October, 2017 having held the position of National Dental Director, Utilization Management for Aetna the prior 13 years.

Dr. Balikov is an Accredited HealthCare Fraud Investigator through the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association. He is a Certified Dental Consultant through the American Association of Dental Consultants and a Certified Quality Assurance Consultant through the California Association of Dental Plans.

Dr. Balikov is a member of the American Dental Association, California Dental Association, San Fernando Valley Dental Society, the National HealthCare Antifraud Association, Alpha Omega Dental Society and the American Association of Dental Consultants. Dr Balikov currently holds licenses in California, Colorado and Arizona.

"Dental Fraud, Waste and Abuse" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


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