Colgate Oral Health Network

4 thoughts on “The Beauties and the Beasts: Greatest hits and misses of cosmetic dentistry

  1. Dr. SB Andreaus says:

    Your thoughts on the AACD and their Accreditation process, lending itself to conservative and responsible Aesthetics, while realizing every case may not fit the Accreditation guidelines – It can certainly be a huge service to the patient.

  2. Pam Funk says:

    How long does it typically take gums to heal after bleaching has inflamed them?

  3. Mrs. Annette Gjelsness-Dick says:

    Can anything be done for a 3 year old girl that fell and broke her upper centrals and had to have them extracted?

  4. Dr. Ahmad Zulkhairi Resali says:

    What is the benchmark of cosmetic dentistry? How does it different from aesthetic dentistry?

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