Colgate Oral Health Network

Today, the most rapidly growing segment of the population are those that live with a disability. For many individuals and/or their caregivers, oral health is easy to achieve as they have access to a dental health professional who care and can manage their oral health needs. For most individuals (and/or their caregivers) who live with one or many disabilities care is difficult to find. This may be a family with a member experiencing dementia, it may be an individual with cerebral palsy with limited mobility, it may be an individual who suffered a spinal cord injury, or an individual who with autistic spectrum disorder… treated for decades by a pediatric dentist but today at age 20 or 25 can no longer be treated by their beloved caregiver. These individuals, and their caregivers (whether for a child or a parent), live in our communities, are our children, are our parents! Every individual routinely deserves the excellent oral healthcare delivered by us, as dentists and hygienists.

Participants will learn:

  • Learn to identify the individuals who have Special Oral Healthcare Needs (and I proffer that we all have special needs) and what the accommodations needed for care,,
  • Learn how general dentists and dental hygienists can asse¬ss the dental needs of individuals with Special Oral Healthcare needs,
  • Learn how general dentists and dental hygienists can prepare evidence informed-informed care plans that address the needs of patients and caregivers to provide best accommodations for that patient,
  • Learn how general dentists and dental hygienists can deliver the evidence-informed care necessary to maintain the oral health for the vast majority of patients with “Special Needs Oral Healthcare”


Mark S. Wolff

Mark S. Wolff

More courses with Mark S. Wolff

Dr. Mark S. Wolff is the Morton Amsterdam Dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine and a Professor in the Department of Preventative and Restorative Dentistry. Dr. Wolff joined Penn Dental Medicine as the 12th Dean of the School. He is a celebrated teacher, globally engaged scholar, and deeply experienced clinician. Prior to joining Penn Dental Medicine, he was professor and chair of cariology and comprehensive care at the College of Dentistry at New York University (NYU) and also the College’s senior associate dean for development and alumni relations. Dr. Wolff has completed numerous international research and oral health assessment programs and has been a lifelong advocate and dental provider for individuals with physical, intellectual, and developmental disabilities of all ages. He has served as the principal or co-principal investigator on multiple benchtop and clinical research projects, investigating dental caries, novel remineralizing agents, dental erosion, periodontal disease, dental materials, and dentinal hypersensitivity. He has co-authored over 100 scientific papers, text chapters, and edited multiple textbooks. Dr. Wolff lectures worldwide and is a frequent consultant to the industry. He has been the principal or co-investigator on nearly $9.0 million in industrial and National Institute of Health-funded research. He has been a lifelong advocate and educator for individuals with physical, intellectual and developmental disabilities through the lifespan.

"The General Practitioner and Dental Hygienist’s Role in Improving Access to Care for Individuals with “Special Oral Healthcare Needs”" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


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