Colgate Oral Health Network
Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow
Partha Mukherji

Dr. Partha Mukherji DDS

M. Blake  Berryhill

Dr. M. Blake Berryhill PhD, LMFT

Nathan Culmer

Dr. Nathan Culmer PhD

Todd B.  Smith

Dr. Todd B. Smith PhD, MSHA, MBA, RN, NEA-BC

Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow

9 thoughts on “Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow


    patient claims she has halitosis(with no medical hx and fair OH) and everyone avoided her. but clinically there’s no finding pointing that she has it. been trying to convince her to be more confidence yet she came almost every week to the dental clinic for the same complaint despite all necessary treatment been done (e:scaling)! wht to do?

  2. Dr. Priya Mahto says:

    Whenever a Dentist encounters a patient suspecting of some Mental Illness, how one should approach or present themselves to the patient that does not outrage them ?

  3. Mrs. Cheryl Cherry says:

    At what age is a patient considered to be an Adult in order to be screened for mental health issues and thus be referred for mental health treatment?

  4. Dr. Mr Obaidullah says:

    Q1) Given the potential challenges of integrating mental health screening and referral mechanisms into busy dental workflows, what are some concrete strategies and resources to overcome these hurdles and ensure smooth implementation in different practice settings (e.g., solo practice vs. large clinic)? Q2) How can dental professionals effectively balance the responsibility of identifying and addressing potential mental health concerns with maintaining patient comfort and privacy? What are some best practices for communicating sensitively with patients and ensuring culturally competent care in this context?

  5. Ela Paszynska says:

    According to eating disorders and vomiting episodes, what do you suggest after the epizode immediately for patient home protocol? this is crucial in dentist-patient relationship, could you give your opinion?

  6. Mrs. Marlis Immel says:

    What is the best treatment of antidepressant resistant therapy?

  7. Ms. Tammy Hunsberger says:

    It appears that drug and alcohol abuse are a part of many peoples lives. Is there a correlation for drug abuse among patients with mental illness? Also, is there more of a challenge for the dental professional with the combination of drugs and mental illness? If so, and I’m sure there is, what else can we do in such cases?

  8. Dr. Dionne Richardson says:

    Will your presentations include discussion of screening for substance use or include screening tools that integrate questions given the symbiotic-like relationship between substance abuse and mental health?

  9. Dr. Deepika nahar says:

    What are the challenges that one can face in patient management?

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"Mental Health in a Dental Practice Setting: Developing and integrating screening and referral mechanisms in the practice workflow" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.