Colgate Oral Health Network

4 thoughts on “Cosmetic Dentistry: Tips and tricks for case acceptance and fundamental principles of esthetics

  1. Dr. Serban Veres says:

    Do you use iPad apps that apply live filters in order to demonstrate what the client should expect?

  2. Dr. Kathleen Navarro says:

    What do you use to isolate teeth on the cementation of veneers? Teflon tape, some kind of plastic, etc?

  3. Dr. Amit Jain says:

    Which software to use, for animating the final smile design for patients before treatment?

  4. Dr. Sindhu Vanama says:

    Can you please throw some light on smile design softwares?

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"Cosmetic Dentistry: Tips and tricks for case acceptance and fundamental principles of esthetics" has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


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