Colgate Oral Health Network
Caring for the whole patient: Primary health care activities in the dental office.
Ira Lamster

Ira Lamster DDS, MMSc

Tim Ricks


Solomon   Brotman

Dr. Solomon Brotman DDS, MAGD

Caring for the whole patient: Primary health care activities in the dental office.

6 thoughts on “Caring for the whole patient: Primary health care activities in the dental office.

  1. Dr. Juan Giuseppe Castillo says:

    I would like to know how we can implement this approach to our practice.

  2. Ms. Linda Hayes-Lutian says:

    Many patients challenge the dental healthcare provider when collecting data such as vitals, i.e., blood pressure, pulse, and respiration. Other than educating our patients on the importance of the additional healthcare provisions such as are outlined in the course, what is the best way to dialogue with them to encourage acceptance?

  3. Karen Finke says:

    This may be answered during the webinar, but what role will dental hygienists have in this practice model?

  4. Dr. Barbara Lipski says:

    What types of bloodwork and testing can a dentist prescribe? Are there codes that link bloodwork to a potential dental diagnoses?

  5. Dr. Teresa Johnson says:

    Will the webinar also discuss primary oral care evaluations and procedures that can be done in primary medical care settings? And the regulatory, scope of practice, referral and reimbursement barriers/issues?

  6. Mrs. Sharon Gorman says:

    Regarding a patient’s BP : When do we consider it unsafe to continue with hygiene treatment and instead send a patient on to a medical facility ?

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"Caring for the whole patient: Primary health care activities in the dental office." has been planned and implemented in accordance with the standards of the AGD Pace and is supported by funds received from Colgate Oral Pharmaceuticals Inc. Tribune Group GmbH is a recognized AGD Pace provider. At the end of the webinar, after passing the C.E. Quiz, you will be able to download your AGD Pace C.E. Certificate.


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